Puppets have been used in religious rituals for hundreds of years. In African tribes, people believe that puppets can help dead spirits come back to life. Puppets have to be light so the puppeteer can hold it for a long amount of time. A famous puppet is a the dragon used for Chinese New Year. Their are six types of puppets.
Glove Puppet:
They were made famous through ‘Punch and Judy’.
They are also known as Hand Puppets
Glove puppets are specially made to fit a hand like a glove.
Glove puppets are typically used for children’s and street theatre.
Glove puppets are performed from behind a booth or from behind a curtain so the puppeteer cannot be seen.
These puppets have a range of movements, they can pick things up.
This type of puppet is a good starting point for beginners.
Theres a glove over the hand with a wooden head.
They are used in Indonesia.
The puppeteer can be seen on stage.
- Considered to be the oldest style.
- Created from paper, plastic and/or wood.
Originated in China and India.
Depends on the lighting to change the size of the puppet.
- This style can also be done through actors (see above video)
Pilobolus Shadow Theatre
Carnival Puppets:
Controlled by people inside the puppet.
Chinese New Year Dragons
There are no strings.
They are life like.
There are three puppeteers per puppet.
You can see the puppeteers.
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